

The end of the school point requirement for Tri-M is 20 points. 1 hour of volunteering = 1 point Please bring this volunteering form to every event in order to gain point. Write legibly! Here is the link to the point sheet Points Sheet.


Name Description Date Points
Tri-M 2/28 Meeting Invitation Invite a musician from the Collins Hill band, chorus, or orchestra who has not been to Tri-M before for points!! 1 point per 1 referral. Wednesday, February 28th, 2:45 unlimited :)
Band Concert Come watch or help setup and clean up. Monday, 10/30 2hr
Winter Recital 5 points for perforamnce, 2 points for watching, and 1+ points per friends invited. TBD TBD
Holiday Hope Play around the school for Holiday Hope donation. TBD TBD
Festival of the Arts Watch or/and help setup and cleanup at the Suwanee Town Center performances. TBD TBD